I owe ...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008 Edit This 12 Comments »
I owe God for sending me to this world.
I owe Him for making me human.
I owe my motherland for bearing my weight.
I owe trees for making life possible( food n oxygen ).
I owe my mother for suffering pain in my birth.
I owe my father for nourishing me since my childhood.
I owe my bros n sis for protecting me 24*7.
I owe my teachers for guiding me in life.
Last but not the least I owe my friends for handling my
temper and helping me in pain.
I owe Him for making me human.
I owe my motherland for bearing my weight.
I owe trees for making life possible( food n oxygen ).
I owe my mother for suffering pain in my birth.
I owe my father for nourishing me since my childhood.
I owe my bros n sis for protecting me 24*7.
I owe my teachers for guiding me in life.
Last but not the least I owe my friends for handling my
temper and helping me in pain.