First Day at Work..

Friday, April 02, 2010 Edit This 4 Comments »
The last Blog I wrote was German Effect ( sumtym in Feb 2010 ) and after that now I gt some tym to contribute. The best part is that today I am kinda free . Free because I have completed half of my MBA ( WOW !! ) n Kinda because My intern has started..

Today was the first time, first day at Work in my Life..

The day started in a tizzy mode. Excited because going 4 work 4 first tym n tensed because the place z new, people r new , n college faculties have given a long list of Do's n Dont's to us, so caution , caution n caution was d 1 word that was hovering around me.

With the nervous attitude , I entered the premises and waited for 5 mins. Although it was my second visit ( 1st was orientation ), I was feeling equally awkward to approach any1. Luckily, the person to whom I had to meet located me. She directed n introduced me to one f d accountants n accountant head. The accountant told me the basics of how a salary is computed for each individual n surprisingly for the first time I understood the concept of Tax Bracket ( upto Rs 1,60,000 - No tax n so on ) . I heard the changes of Tax bracket in the Latest Budget but dint know its working. I also came to knw how education fee can save taxes. I heard about education fee saving first time 1-2 months ago by my frnd Sunny bt ignored it bcz I dint understnd anythng abt such schemes or laws but today the concepts r atleast not naive to me.

After learning that, I was idle for half an hour because I was feeling inept to go agn to my Mentor. Dz tym also she located me n aftr that she made sure that I should not sit idle. Thereon I learned about Purchase, Journal, Payment n Freight Vouchers and many other basics things.

1 thing I dint understand : 'Why people drink so much Tea / Coffee in Office'? They served me thrice but after saying 'No' twice , I had to accept. Rest the ambiance n employees ( to whom I interacted ) r good.

The day that started with shrinking smile end up with content smile. Hope the coming two months will be a gr8 learning experience for me.

Gute Nacht ( Good Night ) for now..I have office tomorrw.

Will come soon..