Pyaar ( For those who r in love )...
Friday, October 02, 2009 Edit This 11 Comments »Delhi Rain ( Full of surprises )
Monday, July 27, 2009 Edit This 2 Comments »Rain was not stopping and we were hungry, so we planned to go somewhere for light snacks. But the weather was so bad that we were drenched from top to bottom the moment we moved out of the car. That was not all. The service of the sweet shop (where we went) was so slow that we got fed up and left the place without eating anything. Then we went to another one and finally had something to eat. After that we again came to the road.
Right now I am in the middle of Hyaat fly over and the best hilarious moment is that people have left their cars and roaming around on the roads as if they are doing night walk. I have never seen such colourful Delhi( with cars all around you) at 12 o clock . Yes , the next day has just begun and I have to leave my home at 7:45am again. My friend Rupu is constantly cracking PJ’s and suffering from nature’s call lolz.. Another friend is feeling hungry but we don’t have anything to eat , not even a drop of water to drink.
The tragedy does not end here. Our parents are constantly calling with mixed opinions. One friend’s parents are suggesting to stay back at our friends place while my parents are suggesting to come back home. Another problem is that of communication channel. My cell’s battery is low, one friend does not have balance and third friend don’t have connectivity. Wow , this is the best situation to face after hectic college. Now it z 12:30 and luckily the traffic is moving slowly from the speed of 2km/hr to 10km/hr. One friend is driving, one has dose off and I m engrossed in writing.
The song which is currently running on 93.5 radio is “ Jaadu Hai Nasha Hain” and in between news channel saying that Delhi’s road are heavily jammed, many people have died, trees have fallen down and cracks have appeared on roads at some places. I don’t know why I am writing all this but may be because every normal being will be pissed off in such situation.
Now it’s the time to end the story now because it is abt my journey to home and I have finally reached home at 1am .
Good Night !!
Keep smiling !!!!
P.S : Just praying to God that dz type of journey should never come agn..
New journey at Fore..
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 Edit This 5 Comments »Recently , I have taken admission in Fore, a journey to a whole new world proudly known as MBA. Today was only the third day at Fore but the memories n happiness has been engraved in my brain for lifetime.
First Day : Could not sleep the previous night bcz f the tension tht I would have to wake at 6 n reach on tym .But I managed ( Thnx to my extra punctual frnds ). We had to sit in Audi from 9am to 5pm continuously for the introduction session by all the respected faculty members n teachers, with only 20 min brk in between. Since before college, my activities comprises sleeping n eating so it ws burdensome to sit there cont w/o meals . But I managed though I ws exhausted completely aftr reaching home. Good point was that I dint feel aloof n lonely even for a second as I knew so many in advance.
Thnx to Orkut..
Second Day : Commencement of classes and all the classes were good. Rather I should say that the teachers r adroit, skillful n dexterous. They taught us in simple terms tht could be grasped by students of all academic background. That day I interacted with more new class fellows n best part was : Around 20 of us had lunch together in canteen ,shared food n snatched sweet dish like old friends..
Third Day : Well it is my bday 2day and I was excited because first time I had to go to clg or sch on my bday. Almost evry fresher was greeting me with bday wishes and trust me I was on Cloud Nine bcz I dint even dream of such response on the third day in a new college. I attended the classes but after that wht happened was far beyond expectation. My classmates and friends arranged a surprise party for me n I was completely ignorant. I would not like to mention the names of only few bcz every1 was equally enthusiastic. The moment I entered the canteen I was welcomed by Birthday wishes from 30 of my classmates. It was followed by candle blowing ceremony n cake cuttin ceremony n after that I was loaded with cake ( From hair to mouth 'n' hands to shirt 'n' trousers to shoes 'n' throat to nose ) . I ws lookin even worse than Dracula but this celebration will always be one of the 'Golden Memories' .
In Short , Good Team Spirit n Gr8 Start to a new world !!
P.S : Thanx alot to all my Fore friends who put too much effort and pain for arranging such a delicious cake n get together..
Dedicated to my Friends...
Sunday, June 07, 2009 Edit This 9 Comments »
First of all,
Happy Birthday to you..
Happy Birthday to you..
Happy Birthday my dear Blog..
Happy Birthday to you.
On the first anniversary on my Blog , I am here expressing my feelings and some nostalgic days of my wonderful 3 years of College Life and every word written below is dedicated to my friends as none was possible without their company...
Special Thnx to all my friends w/o whom my clg life would not have been the way it was...
01. College first lecture : I had injury on neck and had to visit the doctor so reached the college late. I located the class n found tht Digital Electronics lecture was goin on. I was late by mere 30 mins n she dint allow me to enter. I tried to explain but all in vain. I waited outside till the lecture was over. Later, when I explained her, she apologized for being so rude.
02. Exams Fever : I was famous in my group for exam sickness. Still we used to have last moment studies at My place, Sim's place, Nishi's place, Mal's place, College library n Ground, LP, Sports Complex, Computer lab, Arts faculty, Dominos, Nirulas and last but not the least on Phones.
In short,
Datesheet + Get togethers + Gossip + Masti + Sickness + Little Studies = Exams Clear.
Hurry !!!!
03. Birthday Ceremonies : It was always a special occasion for us. Blowing candles, Cutting cakes, B'Day bombs in LP n Sports area, than Birthday treats, movies etc at varied locations namely K.Ngr, CP, Rajouri, Netaji, Rohini etc etc.
For us, birthdays were like festivals.
04. April Fool : My 3 very good friends proudly known as ' Gandhiji ke tin bandar ' played a very awful prank on 1st April. We had holiday n 1 of dem informed us that Mr Kiddy met with a major accident n was hospitalized. V were perplexed about this sudden shocking news. So, Champu n Hacker went to c him n it was decided that v gals would go later. But when they reached there, the situation was out of d blue. Those three were together n Kiddy was perfectly alright. But Hacker n Champu took the right revenge from our sides by battering Rabi at his place. That time I was angry on them but now when I think of it, I just smile ..
Truly said by someone : Happy memories of the past makes u cry and sad memories of the past makes u smile in present.
05. Juniors Fresher : We decided 'Rajasthani Theme' for our Juniors and we were so enthusiastic and high-spirited that we started the preparation 1 month earlier. We were more excited than our juniors. We used to stay in college till 6 n designed Matkas, Plates, Rangoli n evry possible thing related to Rajasthani Theme. We also gave Dance performance which was appreciated by all. The best thing was the compliment from the Bestest Teacher - " You Guys have raised the level of Freshers in Hansraj. No1 had ever taken n will take so much pain in organizing such a wonderful event". Those moments were the best.
06. Unlimited Rock Concerts : Ya it is true that we had unlimited Rock Concerts in our Class Rooms, LP, Sports Complex, Comp Labs, Audi, Barista etc etc by our very own Gaurav Sir. He is not just a Sir. He z a Friend, Philosopher, Guitarist, Singer, Guide n what not. We gave him the 'Best Student Award' on Farewell due to his evergreen young looks. Recently their first CD has been released named Void * Star. Not for sale but available on YouTube.
In Simple words , Gaurav Sir Rocks !!!
07. Mass Bunk : We had horrible class test (Class test r always horrible no matter how easy they are) conducted by Maa Sir. Maa because the abbreviation of his name is 'MA' so we used to call him Maa :). Since no1 was prepared for it so we planned a Mass Bunk..Mass bunk was not a usual scenario for our course but we notorious could do anything. So we went on Mass Bunk but like every class there were 7-8 courteous students in my class also who were afraid on the name on Bunk n they went for the test. We Bunkers went to play Cricket in the Clg Ground. Coincidently that day the class was opp to d grnd n v were totally unaware. Somehow he came to know about us ( may be by our hullabaloo ). The invitation was sent by him for us n we turned tails. The following morning we were expecting a big explosion but surprisingly, he dint scold.
In Short, Successful Bunk n Good Cricket.
08. Sports : Mostly during intermissions and free periods , we used to hover in the sports area and enjoyed playing various games namely Badminton, Carrom, Chess , Cricket, Basketball etc. I still remember that our dept had Cricket matches wd other depts for 2 consecutive years n v lost both the times.But the everlasting fun we had in cheer leading n preparation was far more than defeat.
Cheers to Comp Sc (H) . Hip Hip Hurray !!
09. College trip : It lasted for 4 days and 1 day was equivalent to 1 year. We enjoyed in every possible way : Singing , Dancing, River Crossing, Rappling, Pillow passing, Damsharaas, Tambola, Uno, Playing Cards, Falling from bus seat n varied bruises, Puke by many, Musical Chairs( No1 knew that I cheated to make Rabi won but still he dint win ( Shayad usme nakal ke liye akal nahi thi :), Bonfire, Leisurely walk in cool breeze, Bus climbing, Boat ride, Jeep ride in jungle etc etc..Hope that wonderful time could recur.
10. College Farewell Party : It was organized on 4th April followed by final practical on 3rd April. Everyone was looking gorgeous and fantabulous in ethnic attire. We were busy in preparing momentos for the teachers, PPT of our college memories n songs dedication for our fellow mates rather than preparing for Viva. Evry1 shared their experiences on the podium and I n Nishi almost cried :) Than the unforgettable comments by our teachers : " We can never have such a wonderful batch again in our teaching life..Most notorious yet the best". Just one thing was missing that the guys could not perform due to some invalid reasons lolz . After farewell , we went for long drive in 6 cars one after the other. Wow ! It was real fun...
If someone will ask where is Heaven, I will say it is in company of Good Friends..
P.S 1 : I know the post has been elongated but if I will compare it with my college life than these r just few anecdotes. In the company of my friends, I learned how to handle n react in different situations; how to c d world arnd u; how to learn things, how to c d in-depth perspective of things, how to remain down-to-earth and the list goes on n on..
P.S 2 : Last but not the least , Thanx to my tuition friend who inspired me to write something special on my blog's first anniversary.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009 Edit This 1 Comment »Today, at around 9:30pm, I was returning from my relative's place. I was struck in traffic congestion and have nothing to do, so just peeped out of the window to read the quotes and slogans written on the dorsal of cars and trucks ( I like reading such quotes for time pass ). One thought touched me. It says :
Man Gets and Always ForGet..
Although the above thought is very simple yet it depicts the Human nature as if it is omnipresent.
HaNd WRiTiNG..
Monday, May 25, 2009 Edit This 5 Comments »As I mentioned earlier that I have nothing to do these days and Idle mind is Devils workshop, so weird thoughts are coming..
Few days back I was engrossed in thoughts..( Gosh I can even do that )..D thought was regarding our Handwriting. Is there any logic behind handwriting ? When we enter our school life, the first thing teacher teaches us is how to write ? Although a teacher teaches equally to all and all hv to write in the same Cursive Writing book but why evry1 has different handwriting..
This evoked my curiosity and I searched about this. Obviously I am not planning to become a Graphoanalyst lolz..But when I studied about this , I was moved by the outcome.. Writing is nothng but Brainwriting. It is known that brain sends impulses along the nervous system to the hand and it results in handwriting of a particular person. Handwriting can depict our moods, strengths, weaknesses, attitude, intelligence, nature etc etc..
I applied the theories on my handwriting and it elucidates almost evrything about my personality trait. I said almost because I am an amateur in this and d process of analysis is not a child's play. Whtevr I understood , I applied it on my handwriting and d result was absolutely correct.
Now I am planning to apply the theories on different persons and I hope that d result will be amazing there also..
P.S : What I concluded is that our evry small activity has a reason behind it and nothng z meaningless in our lives..
Sunday, May 17, 2009 Edit This 8 Comments »When we are down, it brings infinite assurance;
When we are up, it teaches not to have arrogance..
Life is about dos and dont's:
When we do well, we receive affection;
When we don't, we receive rejection..
Life is about give and take:
When we give help, we gain;
When we seek help, we dnt have brain..
Life is about good times and bad times:
When we have a good time, we cherished;
When we have bad times, we are anguished..
Life is like two sides of a coin:
At times we are the winner,
The other times we are the loser..
P.S : But still we live , laugh n sleep..
So enjoy evry moment as time passed can nvr be recalled..
Best Lines..
Friday, May 08, 2009 Edit This 17 Comments »Per Chhupke Is Dil Mein Tanhaayi Palti Hai
Bas Yaad Saath Hai
Bas Yaad Saath Hai ..
At some point of time in life everyone face this situation..
Top 10 Problems : Difficult to deal with..
Wednesday, May 06, 2009 Posted In My Feelings..My Emotions Edit This 5 Comments »10. I am Short-Tempered. I always mess up things in anger.
09. My Obsession for Cleanliness. Many times it create problematic situations.
08. I am a Chatterbox. But still dont know what to talk at the required tym.
07. I Trust people easily. My heart hurts many times because of this.
06. I want to be Cheerful in every situation. But cannot tolerate my own happiness for long.
05. I am the Laziest person. Still I hate being Idle and wants to be busy.
04. I want to be an Independent gal. People consider this as my Self-centred attitude.
03. I speak from Heart . Every1 consider this as my childish nature.
02. I am an emotional person. God knows why my tear glands cannot control themselves.
Last but not the Least...
01. I am addicted of my friends. But I frequently get irritated by them or by myself ( Dont Know).
Visit to Vrindavan
Monday, May 04, 2009 Edit This 3 Comments »Yesterday I went to Vrindavan..I have visit this place earlier also but this time something was different. May be because dz tym I went somewhre wid my family (After 9 long years).
I wake up 4 hours early den my normal schedule of 8:30. v left d house at 6. When I crossed Bangla Sahib I was bedazzled by d crowd - Did I rise so early or half d world rise so early ? After traveling arnd 3 hours v reached Vrindavan ( Childhood place f Krishna ji )..
First time I dint find too much crowd In Baanke Bihari Temple and got honour to spend 10mins in front of d Deity. Co-incidently first time I visited Iskcon( International society for Shri Krishna Conscious ) temple too..I had been there many times but either due to shortage of time or temple timings I never got d opportunity to visit it. The unique feature I noticed dere is tht every Rickshw puller says ' Radhe Radhe ' whnever he wnts to blow horn. Some of the eatables one must have there are - Lassi , Dhokla n Tikki with Chole..
After that v went to Barsana( Birth Place of Radha Ji ). We visited the main temple dere n after some rest v left for home around 5pm. On d return journey, I saw tht One poor lady fell from d bike alongwd her 6-7 months old baby. Her saree got stuck in the wheel. Our driver, me and my bro went outside to c. Her both arms n shoulders were bruised and the baby had scratches on d face n right arm. I felt really bad. V searched for First Aid in our car bt couldnt find. V gave them water ( as it was too hot ) and Johnson's Baby Powder of my nephew ( Tht ws d only thing v could arrange). God bless them both..
V proceed further n was welcomed by strong winds n dirt..Some trees fell in d way so v found it unsafe to travel. V stopped for sometime at a safe place. Thnk God light shower came n d storm stopped. We had our Dinner at d newly opened outlet of Haldiram's Faridabad. Finally we reached home by midnight..
I was too tired n went to sleep..That was my sunday :)
Friday, May 01, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »Yesterday I watched Mp3. Some must be thinking what z this just like I was thinking when I first heard of it. It z a Hindi movie named Mera Pehla Pehla Pyar. It was released in 2007 but not known to many bcz it is small budget movie with no famous characters.
Den y I watched that movie? The reasons goes like dz :
Firstly bcz I m total Vella these days so getting really bored.
Secondly bcz I hav not seen any movie since 3 months.
Thirdly bcz I saw one of its video song on Orkut (Tht's wht I m doing these days 4 tp) and I liked it.
So I downloaded d movie. It took around 7 hrs for its downloading ( Thnx to unlimited net ).
Full time pass movie f 1 hr and 47 mins n some might relate dz movie with their sch n clg days..
D story z not so unique but d songs r in Hindlish . Tht z wht I like d most..
D story goes like this : 1 Boy in 12-B , 1 Girl in 11-C. Both fall in love with each other but r unaware. Gal went to Paris , both realised their love but situation does not let them express their feelings. Boy went to Paris behind her ( jugar kaise karta h wo interesting hai ).
Now how they meet n how they express their feelings? For that watch d movie n njoy..
P.S 1 : I m idle tht's y writing such post..I apologise 4 wasting ur tym.
P.S 2 : Everything written above is just my belief. Dont blame if u dont like d movie.
Gr8 Woman Personalities...
Thursday, April 23, 2009 Edit This 5 Comments »India is full of great personalities and woman has also proved herself in almost evry field. Now she does not limit herself to housemaker and do hard work all her life irrespective of hurdles and controversies. Some of the best examples are as follows..
Aishwarya Rai
Born on Nov 1, 1973.
Renowned model and actress in today’s Cinema.
Received Miss World title in 1994.
Lately got married to Abhishek Bachchan.
Well known as Curvaceous Woman.
Well versed in languages such as English, Hindi, Marathi , Tamil and Tulu.
This year she is awarded with Padma Shri.
Received Filmfare awards for best actress in year 98, 99 and 2002 and many other awards.
Indra Nooyi
Born on Oct 28 , 1955.
Full Name : Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi
Known as most powerful Business woman.
Often praised with the title of Beauty with Brains.
Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo.
Played vital role in starting Tricon( Yum ! Brands Inc).
Awarded with Padma Bhushan in year 2007.
Kiran Bedi
Born on June 9.1949.
First woman to join the Indian Police Service (IPS).
Also a tennis player in her teenager.
Education : B.A in English(H), Master’s in Political Science, LLB, Ph.D from IIT.
Got married to Brij Bedi.
Awarded with Magsaysay, Lion of the year, Pride of India in 94,95 and 99 resp.
Currently hosting Aap Ki Kachehri on Star Plus.
Lalita Pawar
Born on April 18, 1916 .
One of the prolific actresses of Pre-Independence Era.
Had to switch her career 4m main actress to character actress.
Later became known as Character actress ( for Wicked roles).
One director slapped her during shooting and she got facial paralysis resulting in the damage of left eye.
Had two marriages in her lifetime.
Got two awards for acting in years 1959 and 1961 resp.
Died on Feb 24, 1998.
Lata Mangeshkar
Born on Sept 28,1929.
Best-known playback singer(Melody Queen) in Hindi Film Industry.
Often regarded as The Nightingale Of India.
Has sing around 50,000 songs till date.
Featured in Guinness Book of World Records from 1974 to 1991.
Won several awards and honors, including Padma Bhushan (1969), Padma Vibhushan (1999), Dada Saheb Phalke Award (1989), NTR National Award (1999),Bharat Ratna (2001) etc.
Foreign authorities want to explore her throat after her death.
Mother Teresa
Born on Aug 26, 1910.
Internationally famed as a Roman Catholic Nun, humanitarian and philanthropist person.
Faced diverse range of criticism during welfare work.
Won Padma Shri , Nobel Peace Prize and Bharat Ratna Award in years 62, 79 n 80 resp.
Died on Sept 5 , 1997.
Left over 1,00,000 volunteers operating 610 missions in 123 countries.
P.T Usha
Born on June 27, 1964.
Full name : Pilavullakandi Thekkeparambil Usha.
Got married to V. Srinivasan.
Regarded as queen of Indian track and field.
Made world record in 1985 by winning 1 bronze and 5 gold medals.
Won Padma Shri and Arjuna Award in 1984.
Also received various award under best athlete and sportsperson category.
Sania Mirza
Born on Nov 15,1986.
One of the youngest and high ranked players in the field of tennis.
Holds the distinction of being the first Indian woman to be seeded in a Grand Slam tennis tournament.
Currently single and focusing on her career.
Garnered criticism from some Islamic groups for her dress code.
Awarded with Padma Shri in 2006.
Won 1 Gold and 2 Silvers in Asian games and lots of win in varied categories.
Sonia Gandhi
Born on Dec 9, 1946.
Influential and powerful woman in Indian Politics.
Widow of former PM Rajiv Gandhi.
At present Chairwoman of United Progressive Alliance (UPA).
Political Party : Indian National Congress.
Suffered intense debate and opposition due to foreign birth.
Played an important role in making the Right to Information Act into law.
God or No God...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 Edit This 6 Comments »The life’s journey has been usual for me for years. I used to be an atheist who never prayed Him by heart. My mom is a religious woman who tried her best to teach me the importance of God in life but I simply ignored. Soon in adolescence, some force urged me to think about ‘The creator of life’. That phase converted me from an atheist to an agnostic. A lot of questions were there but eventually no answers for them. So, the relation with the Deity was limited only to celebration seasons like Diwali etc.
It z during adulthood that I realized the existence of God around us. If someone asks me how then I consider this to be a difficult situation to handle because it is the question which z still unanswered by even scientists. I can just mention that it z related to our soul and inner-self. The spiritual mind and pure heart is all that is needed to feel His presence. We all are destined by Him for some specific tasks. When we fail somewhere in life everyone says that ‘God must have thought something better for you’. For some this is meaningless and for others this is d inspiration for further hard work. The same happened with me.
During my graduation I was confused about whether to go 4 Mba or Mca? Without much counseling I started the preparation for Mba. But soon I realized that it z not the right career path for me. Since I had already invested a huge amount on that, I decided to continue. Knowingly or unknowingly I wasted a huge sum without any output. Also I gave 2 mca papers w/o preparation and I cleared both of them. It was a shocking experience 4 me. This was first time when I realized that there is some power that is ruling us. Even after receiving the opportunity of hving admsn in Mca , I rejected it. Why? Still don’t know. By that time my graduation was over and I found myself ending nowhre. Finally I planned to pursue actuarials. This time again something strange happened. The day when I had to pay the fees for its classes, I had to go to Vrindavan. The moment I reached there, I received a call that my form was rejected due to absence of Bank manager’s signature. I cursed Him for being so rude but I understood everything. My investment was saved by Him. On the return journey , I kept on thinking and thinking and one thing tht stroke me was Mba. The Almighty enlightened my mind and I felt new hope and direction inside me. Den I prepared 4 Mba with the belief that He ‘The super power’ is everywhere to help us if we want. Now I hv gt admsn in Mba n looking forward for d same.
P.S : He indicates the right path at every step but it is our responsibility to recognize it..
Monday, March 16, 2009 Posted In Proud to be Indian Edit This 4 Comments »terrorism..
Terrorism is the common phenomenon in today’s life. There is hardly any country that has not suffered because of terrorism in one way or the other. India is in the leading list. The word terrorism raises the following questions in one’s mind - What is terrorism? What are its features? What are its consequences? How can it be prevented?
Terrorism is the use of violence, or the threat of violence, to create a climate of fear in a given population. Terrorist violence targets ethnic or religious groups, governments, political parties, corporations, and media enterprises. Terrorists murder and kidnap people, set off bombs, hijack airplanes, set fires, and commit other serious crimes.
Terrorist acts are committed for various reasons and their goals differ from those of ordinary criminals. Most criminals want money or some other form of personal gain. Some individuals and groups that use terrorism support a particular political philosophy. Others represent minority groups seeking liberation from governments in power. Dictators and governments also use violence to frighten or eliminate their opponents. Organizations that engage in acts of terror are almost always small in size and limited in resources compared to the populations and institutions they terrorize. Through publicity and fear generated by their violence, they seek to magnify their influence and power to affect political change on either a local or an international level.
The terrorist activities have been known to result in mass destruction. Many innocent people loose their lives in this dirty play by human animals. Hundreds, and thousands of people are being injured or killed every year in terrorist acts. A huge loss of property and wealth is also occurred due to these activities. It has created an atmosphere of fear and horror over the globe. We have seen in the recent Mumbai attacks that 11 terrorists entered our premises at 10 different places – The Taj place, the Oberoi Trident , Nariman House, Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus etc. There was coordinated shooting and bombing for 3 days resulting in the death of atleast 173 people. But this is not the end. We are also suffering from Kashmir issue since independence. It is the fight between India and Pakistan for the ownership of Kashmir. The list is endless on the local as well as on the international front.
There are ways of prevention against these attacks and can be achieved but it will be a long, drawn out and challenging process. First of all the politicians should start thinking for the country security and welfare instead of their own selfish interests. Our civil ways would have to be changed. The airports, railways and seaways should operate in a stricter manner. Our borders need to be more strictly regulated. We need to control immigration, to help stop terrorism. There should be strictly no mercy for the terrorists and all the people involved. Common people also play a vital role in fight against terrorism by choosing the right candidate during elections. Lastly, we need to think as our enemies do. There needs to be severe consequences on the terrorists to make aware that we are a strong country,
It is true that many Indians have realized their responsibilities and coming forward to fight against terrorism and using their right to vote in an intellectual manner but still we all have to travel a long journey and have to take swear that we will work together in eradicating this evil from our country. The perfect example of the spirit we Indians need is described in the video below.
New Anthem By Lead India..